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Blis-Sox & Blis-Blox Product Review in Golf Monthly Magazine

Country Walking Magazine Blis-Sox Product Review
Blis-Sox Blisters Country Walking Hiking Walking

Latest Edition of The Ramblers' "Walk" Magazine
#GetOutside Blis-Sox Blisters Hiking Ramblers Walking Zurego

If you're looking for a bit of outdoor inspiration, we highly recommend getting hold of the latest edition of "Walk", the magazine of the Ramblers, Blis-Sox's favourite outdoor charity. It's packed with ideas for walking routes, new kit, places to stay and loads of helpful advice for walkers of all levels. Check out some of the walking/hiking festivals happening in August here... Oh, and it just happens to feature a little mention for everyone's favourite gel-lined blister prevention socks too.....
Blis-Sox love Country Walking!
Bauer Media Blis-Sox Blisters Country Walking Zurego