Otostick Baby - Medical Study Proves Effectiveness

At Zurego we only sell unique, innovative health and beauty products which have been proven to work. We are pleased to present the results of a recently published medical study, showing the effective use of Otostick Baby ear correctors.


Otostick Baby Proven Effective in Recent Study


Protruding or prominent ears affect around 5% of the population. One in 20 adults have ears sticking out more than 40 degrees from the side of their head and 35 per cent of these people admit to feeling embarrassed or ashamed about this1.

Otostick Baby significantly corrects the protruding ears of subjects aged 3-73 months old without surgery in 90.7% of cases after twelve months use. This was the conclusion of a pioneering study on protruding ears, published in the journal of Spanish Primary Care Paediatrics Association AEPAP (Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2016;70:119-25).

According to SECPRE, the Spanish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, nearly half of interventions in under 18s are for corrective ear surgery, although otoplasty/pinnaplasty is not recommended in very young patients when ears are still growing. In the UK, corrective surgery is not generally available on the NHS, and therefore costs around £3,0002.

The study, led by Dr. Cecilia Matilde Gómez, Pediatrician Health Center San Fernando, Spain, in partnership with Innovaciones DisRas SL and the Society of Primary Care Paediatrics of Extremadura (SPAPEX) shows the corrective effect of Otostick Baby, helping to avoid psychological problems and the potential need for surgery in later life.

The study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of Otostick Baby, a small single piece prosthetic that consists of two thin transparent silicone panels connected with a tiny central pillar. One side is applied to the back of the ear, the other to the head. The study was conducted on an initial sample of 60 patients, aged between 3 and 73 months old, with protruding ears (minimum cephaloauricular distance of 15 mm). The initial 60 patients were divided into three age groups (3 to 12 months, 13 to 36 months and from 37 to 72 months) to analyse data by age and to identify the ideal age to commence use of the prostheses.

After 12 months of use and periodic monitoring of patients, 90.7% of the ears of patients who completed the study achieved a ‘good’ 6-10 mm or ‘reasonable’ 3-5 mm of correction. The study concluded that the use of Otostick baby successfully corrected protruding ears without surgery. All groups saw a positive result, however Otostick Baby was most effective in infants aged between 13 and 36 months old.


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Commenting on the study, Francisca Gamero, creator of Otostick said:

"The benefit of correcting protruding ears is psychological as well as aesthetic. This study is very revealing, because it shows the effectiveness of a non-surgical method to correct infant’s ears before the child is aware of their aesthetic appearance and before they can experience any psychological impact. "


Nick Thompson of UK distributor Zurego Ltd. adds:

"We now have a published study that demonstrates the long-term benefits of Otostick Baby. It is able to permanently correct a physical issue that can have serious future psychological effects on those affected. In addition, we hope that this will reduce the need for costly cosmetic surgery for many children in future, saving families thousands of pounds.”


To support this, a study in North Staffordshire indicated that the correction of protruding ears in children aged 5-16 years reduced or ended bullying in 100% of cases, it increased levels of happiness by 97%, self-confidence by 92% and improved social experience for 79% of the affected children3.

Otostick was first developed by Francisca Gamero for her daughter and then refined over several years in her home country of Spain in association with local university experts. The original version, designed for adults and children 3 years+, has now sold over 2 million units since launch. Otostick is helping tens of thousands to feel more confident about their appearance, whether they use Otostick every day, for specific occasions or even just a particular hairstyle.

Gamero subsequently developed Otostick Baby, suitable for infants from 3 months old and now sells over half a million units a year in Spain. Each Otostick Baby is slightly smaller than a 5p piece, it is painless and easy to apply. Each pack of 8 Otostick Baby correctors includes a retainer cap to minimise any risk of baby accidentally removing the correctors, as their size means they could present a choking hazard to an infant.

Both original Otostick and Otostick Baby are Class 1 medical devices and are sold in pharmacies and drugstores in 30 countries internationally.


For more information, please contact Nick Thompson of UK distributor Zurego Ltd, info@zurego.com or call 01625 262 361.


*References: 1. Netdoctor.co.uk, 2. http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/cosmetic-treatments-guide/Pages/ear-correction-surgery.aspx,  3. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2009 Feb;62(2):190-4, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18032121